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Geriatric Transitional Outreach (GTO)

The Geriatric Transitional Outreach (GTO) service provides short-term consultation and/or transitional support to seniors who are 65+ with general mental health (mood, anxiety, psychosis), and/or Dementia related illness. Time-limited support is provided at home or a retirement residence for individuals who cannot attend in-person or OTN appointments. Individuals must have a primary care provider and must require geriatric-specific care.


For ages 65+

Inclusion Criteria
  • General mental health and/or dementia related illness 
  • At home or a retirement residence 
  • 65 years of age or older 
  • Have a primary care provider 
Service Access

Referrals are accepted from Family Physicians, Nurse Practitioners, mental health professionals and home and community care.

Referrals will be accepted starting March 4. 

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