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Borderline Personality Self-Regulation Clinic

The Borderline Personality Self-Regulation Clinic at Ontario Shores provides services to individuals 18 years of age and older who are diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) and are having difficulty managing their symptoms.

The goals of this therapy are to reduce symptomatology; maladaptive behaviors, and current psychological distress associated with BPD. Additional goals are to decrease admissions to inpatient units and emergency room visits. This is done through increasing coping skills while improving quality of life.

Services offered:
The Clinic offers clients Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) by an interprofessional team including nursing, social work, occupational, psychology and psychiatry staff.


Age 18 +

Inclusion Criteria
  • 18 years and over
  • Confirmed BPD diagnosis
  • Ability to attend the Clinic twice weekly
  • Ability to attend and participate in a group setting
  • Ability to read and write at a grade 8 level
Exclusion Criteria
  • Psychotic symptoms that would interfere with therapy
  • Significant intellectual, learning, or cognitive disabilities that would interfere with reading assigned materials or completing weekly written homework tasks
Service Access

Referrals are accepted from a medical doctor or healthcare professional, including family physicians, nurse practitioners and community agencies. Applicants will participate in a phone screening, and if it is determined they meet the criteria they will be invited to begin the assessment process in person.

A patient and a therapist in conversation on couches

What to Expect

What to expect while in treatment for Borderline Personality Disorder

Resources and Support

Access self-help resources and community support for Borderline Personality Disorder. 

Self Help
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