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Pregnancy and Postpartum Depression

Pregnancy is generally considered a period of emotional well-being for the woman and her family. However, for some women, pregnancy and the post-partum period are times of increased vulnerability to mental health disorders. Anxiety and depression are one of the most common medical complications during the perinatal period, which includes conception through to one year postpartum. 

Pregnancy and motherhood can lead to disturbed sleep, change in appetite, decreased energy, irritability and worries. If these feelings persist for longer than a few weeks or interfere with daily activities and functioning, it may be a sign that you have a perinatal mood disorder and it is time to ask for help from your health care provider to undergo further assessment. 

As many as 20 per cent or 1 in 5 women experience depression and/or other mental health disorders during their pregnancy and/or postpartum period. Pregnant women are less likely to utilize mental health services than non-pregnant women. Ignoring persistent symptoms of depression, anxiety or other mood symptoms in the perinatal period could impose risk to you and baby as well as to your partner and family.  

Early detection and effective treatment reduces these risks.

Ontario Shores offers specialized outpatient treatment for women age 18-65 through the LOVE YOU by Shoppers Drug Mart Women's Clinic. Follow the link to learn more about the program and if it's right for you. 

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