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Sterling Renzoni

Mental Health Advocate

Topics: Mental Health and Youth, Anxiety, Eating Disorders, Mental Health Policy, Patient-Centered Research, Resilience and Overcoming Adversity, Mental Health Education

Sterling Renzoni is a university student and former adolescent inpatient at Ontario Shores who is now a mental health advocate and former member of the Patient Advisory and Recovery Committee.

He has been impacted by anxiety for as long as he can remember. In eighth grade, he developed anorexia nervosa, which triggered a four-year cycle of hospitalizations and outpatient treatment, and at his lowest point, death was a terrifying reality.

Although he is grateful for the transformative care he received at Ontario Shores, his experiences with mental healthcare and overcoming the stigma associated with having an eating disorder as a male taught him that there is still much more that can be done.

He became a mental health advocate to make sure that those who find themselves battling mental illness have access to high-quality, patient-centered care and don't have to battle stigma in addition to their illness. His goal is to influence hospital policies and events to benefit those battling mental illness and the broader community.

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If you'd like to inquire about the availability of Sterling Renzoni, please email @email or call 905-430-4001.