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It's "Bell Let's Talk" Day!

Bell Let's Talk Flag Raising
Published Date

It's a perfect day to;

  • Start a conversation on mental health
  • Consider your own mental health
  • Reach out
  • Listen!

Below are some resources we have put together for you to mark this day and help you to extend the conversation through the year.

See more content on related topics

Blog: Let's LISTEN Day

Advice for active listening

Read Now

Christina Fuda during a MHFA training session
Kevin Frankish

Blog: Hey Let's Talk

How you can help that person working beside you

Learn how you can help

Ontario Shores Bell Let's Talk Flag Raising

Ontario Shores raises the flag to show their support. 

See video of the flag raising

Communications Analyst Jordan Leroux captures Jonathan Holt and McGregor Campbell from our Security Services team Raising the "Bell Let's Talk" Flag