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Forensic Psychiatry

Clinical Senior Elective for Psychiatry Residents

Elective: Forensic Psychiatry Elective for Residents

Place: Ontario Shores Centre for Mental Health Sciences, 700 Gordon Street, Whitby, ON L1N 5S9
Inquiries: Dr. Elizabeth Colemen 905.430.4055 ext.6818 @email
Supervisor: Dr. Elizabeth Coleman

Ontario Shores is a large public teaching hospital specialized in mental health and addictions services with an extensive and growing forensic program.  This elective is designed to offer residents with an introduction to forensic psychiatry.  It is appropriate for both residents with career aspirations in this area and for those who simply want to gain a better understanding of this subspecialty.

This elective will offer training in risk assessments, fitness to stand trial assessments and criminal responsibility assessments.  The resident will have a combination of assessment experience and rehabilitation experience within the context of patients who are detained under the jurisdiction of the Ontario Review Board.  Depending on the level of comfort of the resident there will be an opportunity to testify in court and as part of Ontario Review Boards.  Instruction will be offered with regard to testifying in court and the criminal justice system in Ontario.

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