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Risk Assessment and Management

Clinical Senior Elective for Psychiatry Residents

Elective: Risk Assessment and Management Elective for Residents

Place: Ontario Shores Centre for Mental Health Sciences, 700 Gordon Street, Whitby, ON L1N 5S9
Inquiries: Dr. Elizabeth Colemen 905.430.4055 ext. 6818  @email 
Supervisor: Dr. Elizabeth Coleman

Psychiatry is a highly complex specialty that requires excellent skills in the assessment and management of suicide and violence-risk potential. Regardless of the resident’s future career path within psychiatry these skills are essential for practice. This elective will offer the resident with one to one instruction on various assessment tools, interviewing skills, documentation and risk management as it relates to the art and science of risk assessment in the management of patient care. The forensic psychiatric milieu is ideal for such an elective as forensic psychiatrists are often asked to offer an opinion with respect to risk, and manage patients of various risk levels.

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