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Durham Lords Women's Basketball Fundraiser

Durham Lords Women's Basketball team

Your Durham Lords Women's Basketball Team is fundraising for Ontario Shores Centre for Mental Health's Eating Disorders Unit and Outreach Program in support of Canada's Eating Disorder Awareness Week. 

Eating disorders are suffered in silence far too often, within all walks of lives. We want to draw attention to the importance of spreading the facts so that nobody has to be alone in a time of need.

If you are unable to donate at this time, please share this page with your friends, family, peers and teammates!

Thank you! #support the fighters, admire the survivors


Conference Room A, Building 5, Level 2

The Courage Group is a group founded by recovering alcoholics and addicts.

Ajax Convention Centre

550  Beck Crescent, Ajax, ON   L1Z 1C9

$40 Adults, $25 Children (under 12)*Discount for full-table purchase (10 seats)Sponsorship opportunities are available!

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