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COVID-19: Meditation Can Help Manage Anxiety

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With all the emotions that we are collectively experiencing these next few months, we might want to taking time to experience new things that we’ve always wanted to do. 

In my past two blogs I talked about healthy versus unhealthy anxiety. And while there are many opportunities that people can explore to improve their mental health, today I want to talk about meditation as one option.

I’ve been teaching people Mental Health First Aid for five years now, and one of the recommended methods for reducing anxiety and stress is meditation.  There are thousands of scientific articles on the positive effects of meditation on our mental health. According to these studies’ meditation can help people sleep better, reduce some physical symptoms associated with chronic pain, improve attention and other cognitive functions, and help people cope with some of the symptoms of anxiety and depression.   It does this through a practice of training our mind and body to sit still and comfortably, focus on our breathing, and then bringing our attention to our present moment ignoring all external thoughts and sensations including past failures and future worries.

This has always been something I’ve wanted to incorporate into my life, but like so many of us the timing wasn’t right, I was too busy, I didn’t know where to start.  Strangely enough five days ago one of my friends asked me to be a part of her meditation group. I’ve always been a believer that when opportunity meets timing we must jump at it.  I joined this 21-day challenge meditation group on abundance which is meant to allow abundance of all kinds to come into our lives. 

I’ve only been part of it for five days now, but I can already feel it helping me with my own anxiety.  For anyone who would like to know more about this challenge group email me by 9am tomorrow and I can include you in our next group.

For anyone who isn’t committed to 21 days now I’ve included some other great online resources for mediation that can hopefully help us cope with our own anxieties during this time. Thank you everyone and stay well!

Meditation Resources

Headspace App (free trial app)

Calm App (5 free meditations, more paid)

Do Yoga With Me


Tara Brach

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