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Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)

CBT is one of the most commonly practiced forms of psychotherapy in mental health counselling. Its focus is on helping people learn how their thoughts impact and affect their feelings and behaviours. The theory is based on the belief that how individuals think and behave may develop and maintain psychological disorders, and that the resulting symptoms and distress can be reduced if individuals learn coping strategies. 

Focus of Treatment Plan

Therefore, focused on changing the way people think, CBT is designed to help an individual become aware of disproportionate or negative thinking so that they are better able to deal with stressful situations. Its basis is that much of how “we feel” is determined by what “we think”. By correcting these disproportionate beliefs about themselves, their situation and the world, the individual’s perception of events and emotional state improve.


Grounded in research, CBT focuses on developing strategies to cope with immediate day-to-day problems and will ultimately change unhelpful patterns. It targets specific identified problems in an action-oriented manner and aims to decrease overall symptoms.

The therapy is usually intensive, time-limited and goal-focused.

CBT can be effective in treating such mental illnesses as anxiety or depression but it is also used to help anyone learn how to better manage challenging situations.

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