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Breaking Free Online

Breaking free from Substance Use

Breaking Free Online is a free online support tool available to patients at Ontario Shores.

It is completely confidential and can be accessed 24/7 on any desktop, tablet or smartphone.

The Breaking Free Online program helps individuals develop coping skills and access key resources they can use during or after their treatment. It is:

  • free for Ontarians 16 and older
  • available online 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
  • easy, safe and confidential
  • available in English and French

An information video is available to learn more about what the tool offers.

Those who register will be required to enter in the dedicated code for Ontario Shores which is ontarioshores21.

If you are interested in using Breaking Free Online to help with your recovery journey, you can speak with a member of your care team or visit www.breakingfreeonline.ca to register and get free access to programming and resources for two years.

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