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Big White Wall Offers Online Support for People Struggling with Mental Illness

Big White Wall
Published Date

Each day I am amazed by the difference Ontario Shores makes in the lives of people living with mental illness.

Our commitment to recovery is evident in everything we do. The collective passion to provide the best possible care for patients and their families is what sets this organization apart.

I’m proud to be a part of a culture that refuses to rest on its laurels. The focus is always on excellence and on how we can be better for the people who need us most.

That is part of why I was so proud during National Mental Health Week (May 7-13) as Ontario Shores and its partners unveiled the latest tool to help people struggling with mental health issues.

I was happy to celebrate Big White Wall being available to everyone over the age of 16 living in the Central East LHIN who could benefit from online support, education and group therapy.

As you may recall, Ontario Shores, along with Lakeridge Health and Women’s College Hospital, participated in a pilot project in 2017 which made Big White Wall available to select patient populations in an effort to gauge its impact and effectiveness.

Originating out of the United Kingdom, Big White Wall offers 24/7 support for people struggling with mental health issues. There is no cost to the user and the platform is monitored at all times by Wall Guides, mental health professionals who are online to offer support and expertise.

Users of Big White Wall remain anonymous and have the ability to complete assessments to help understand themselves better, express feelings creatively through drawing, discover how to understand more about how their feelings as well as how to set goals and track progress. Big White Wall also offers peer support by allowing users to make friends anonymously receive support from one another.

The reality of health care and is that we must explore and create ways for more people access the help they need, when they need and how they would like to receive it. As an organization dedicated to excellence and innovation, we are proud to help bring Big White Wall to our community.

This is a tremendous resource for those awaiting service or for people looking for additional support as they continue on their recovery journey. It is also an appropriate tool for family members who may be struggling themselves as they support their loved one’s journey to wellness.

Sign up for Big White Wall is easy and requires only a postal code and an email address. It’s an innovative way to deliver service and has the potential to reach thousands in our community.

I encouraged everyone to learn more about Big White Wall by visiting their Canadian website at www.bigwhitewall.ca and sharing it with anyone who may benefit from this type of online support.

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