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Professional Practice

Professional Practice facilitates and promotes excellence for the quality of patient care provided at Ontario Shores Centre for Mental Health Sciences (Ontario Shores) through the integration of quality practice, safety and risk management, education, research and clinical informatics in an interprofessional, collaborative and recovery-focused environment.

The interprofessional team is comprised of a variety of disciplines including Nursing, Psychiatry, Social Work, Occupational Therapy, Psychology, Recreation Therapy, Pharmacy, Vocational Services, Child and Youth Workers, Physiotherapy, Dental Hygiene and Dental Assistance. Each discipline has their own Council and a specific Professional Practice Leader to support the development and practice of each discipline. The Interprofessional Practice Advisory Council at Ontario Shores is accountable to promote, advocate and enhance professional practice and enable strong interprofessional care.

The Professional Practice Program nursing team consists of Clinical Education Leaders and Advanced Practice Nurses, who provide leadership, clinical expertise, change management and practice support throughout patient care areas.

In 2010 Professional Practice launched the Interprofessional Standards of Care to define practice, measure performance and ensure quality and effectiveness of care as Ontario Shores reflects an Interprofessional approach to care.  The Standards of Care highlight the value of recovery-oriented practice and support all clinicians in the consistent delivery of mental health care.

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