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First Responder Interactive Simulation Project

A unique partnership with Ontario Shores, University of Ontario Institute of Technology (UOIT) and Durham Regional Police Service (DRPS) provides special training to frontline police officers to help them effectively deal with emergency response situations involving individuals suffering from mental illness.

The First Responder Interactive Simulation project is a series of interactive web-based simulations consisting of video-based learning objects that focus on some of the most common incidents police encounter involving persons with mental health issues.

The learning resources can be used within a classroom setting or for self-directed study. The knowledge and skills acquired through these interactive learning tools can be used by other professionals including nurses, paramedics, counsellors, as well as faculty and students in related programs in post secondary academic institutions. Since the program was developed, more than one hundred police officers have been educated, and in collaboration with Durham College’s Centre for Academic and Faculty Enrichment the online education resources are now part of the DRPS mandatory training sessions for all frontline officers.

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